Tails of Tankene

Tales about life at Sparklewood as told by Tankene Ice Mist.

Blog Archive

Feb 19, 2010

Spirits in the Ceiling

Hi Furfriends-I have dicovered that there are some spirits in MaaMaa's ceiling. I listen and my ears pick up a sound undetected by human ears. I pray it is not the annual termite infestation or worse some type of rodents. Do you think it could possibly be our angel Sly kitty whispering to me? I will keep investigating and let you know. This is a picture of me listening-----Purrs, Tankene


  1. I'm sure if the spirits are mouses you will "take care" of them!

  2. If it is spirits I hope they are friendly, so you don't have to defend the house and your family. Maybe it is Sly visiting, as you suggest.

  3. We are hoping it is Angel Sly watching over y'all.
