Tails of Tankene

Tales about life at Sparklewood as told by Tankene Ice Mist.

Blog Archive

Jul 25, 2011

Sparklewood's Birds

An amazing amount of birds bless us.

Raven landed on roof -black wings swooshing

Bold Towhie hopped one legged- concrete searching.

Soaring Hawk lit up blue sky- red tail flashing.

Caww Caww God -Sparkles praying.

Tankene hears Blue Jays Squawking.

Trill trill trill -Tankene's singing.

Any bird blessings to share? Purrs, Sparkles and Tankene

1 comment:

  1. I love this haiku like poem with Sparkles praying and Tankene singing, and hey, my post today features a frightened parrot, so we must be having our birdy moments.
